Lakewood Park Christian School Auburn – IN
Lakewood Park Christian School Auburn – IN
Lakewood Park Christian School was looking for a major upgrade to their playground but did not want to interrupt play for their children. It was decided we would utilize an open field and install all new equipment. The kids could play on their existing equipment until the new equipment was installed. The new area also has the opportunity for expansion if desired in the future. The School elected to go with several pieces of equipment. They have a 5-12 year old Play Structure, Swing Set, Comet Spinner, Standing Rocker, Balance Beam, and we relocated an existing climber to the new area. Lots of play value and a capacity for large number of kids. The School also added a safety feature. A 4 chainlink fence was installed to separate the playground from the parking lot. The School put a lot of thought and time into creating the best playground for their children. These lucky kids were able to use the playground in early Fall 2014.