Playground Equipment 2

Playground Equipment 2

Brava Universal Swing

Brava Universal Swing

The Brava® Universal Swing is a gateway to independence for children of all abilities. With a unique and completely new way for children to swing themselves, it redefines swinging as not just simply pumping your legs but using whatever part of your body you’re most comfortable with – arms, core or legs. It is also designed to mimic stimming behaviors so children on the autism spectrum can participate in an activity that is comfortable and calming for them and build confidence by participating in group activities with other children of varying abilities.

Manufactured under US Patent No. 11,376,512

  • Allows independent transfer by providing a stable to-fro movement and a large transfer area so children can not only swing independently, they can get into the swing independently if they are transfer-able.
  • Designed by researching children of differing abilities and the way they interact with play events, the Brava Universal Swing is a tool for children on the Autism spectrum to freely express stimming behaviors such as rocking while participating in the natural movement of the swing.
  • Creates an equitable and accessible environment for all children where no matter what a child’s ability or preference, they can be part of the action with their peers, family members and caregivers.


Developmental Benefits:
  • Sensory: Spatial Awareness, Sensory Integration, Perceptual, Tactile
  • Social/Emotional Skills: Cooperation, Social Skill Development, Imaginative Play
  • Inner Ear: Vestibular Stimulation, Proprioception
  • Motor Skills: Balance, Coordination, Lower Body Strength, Upper Body Strength, Core Strength

Key Features:

  • Approximate List Price*: $8,643
  • ASTM Use Zone: 22' x 27'
  • Capacity: 6
  • Fall Height: 68"