Child Focus – Cincinnati, OH

Child Focus – Cincinnati, OH

Child Focus – Cincinnati, OH

Child Focus was happy to unveil their new inclusive playgrounds for the first day of school!  Snider Recreation’s design brought inclusive play equipment for two different age groups 2-5 and 5-12, surrounded by poured-in-place rubber playground surfacing.

When designing an inclusive playground, it is important include a variety of challenging and relaxing play events so children and their caregivers with different skill levels can play. We include a variety of climbers, slides, interactive panels and sensory accessories with every playground we create to allow children with all abilities, such as Autism, Down Syndrome and the visual or hearing impaired to all play together in the same space.

“The inclusive playground is awesome”

Snider Recreation enjoys constructing fun and colorful playgrounds to communities so they can experience the power of play together! Contact Snider Recreation to see what can be designed for your community!  800-888-2889
